Why are deep UV-LED purifiers being used now?

发布时间:2021-06-08 16:13 来源:萤光创新
 With the rapid development of modern society and economy, water pollution has become increasingly serious, and people are increasingly worried about water safety. Polluted water contains nitrites and carcinogens, and if you can't clean water well, it has unpredictable hazards for daily drinking water. According to a recent media report, a survey conducted by the School of Environment at Tsinghua University showed that 164 water samples were collected from 155 locations in 44 large, medium and small cities and towns in 23 provinces across the country, including factory water, user tap water and source water.
The study tested all nine known nitrosamine disinfection byproducts, of which NDMA(nitrosodimethylamine) had the highest concentration. Among the more than 700 kinds of disinfection by-products that have been identified, nitrosamines are one of the most health risk disinfection by-products, especially NDMA.
        Can imagine the severity of the problem of drinking water safety, so now many people have installed water purifiers in their homes. But most of the water purifiers on the market are not up to the standard they should be, not to mention the nitrite filtering effect, so are there any good solutions?
The solution is to use a water purifier with uv function. Because the ultraviolet radiation technology can degrade the nitrosamine substances in water, the principle is to use ultraviolet radiation to make n-N bond fracture, so that the nitrosamine decomposition, effective removal of NDMA and NDEA in water. So ultraviolet LED water sterilizer is a very ideal choice.
In addition to nitrosamines in drinking water, the most troublesome water purification industry is that the traditional water purifier is difficult to fully achieve safe namely filtration namely drinking, the storage process of purified water is very easy to appear the growth of bacteria, so how to do drinking water antibacterial longer time?
When it comes to ultraviolet LED sterilization, ultraviolet LED sterilizer in addition to the removal of nitrosamines, is also the most ideal sterilization and bacteriostatic method. Generally speaking, the water purified by a high-quality multi-stage filter can basically guarantee People's Daily safe drinking, but the problem is that if the purified water cannot be drunk in time, the purified water will be more likely to be invaded by bacteria and cause secondary pollution in stagnation or storage.
       In view of the sterilization and antibacterial demand in the water purification field, Fluorescent Innovation focuses on the research and development of deep ULTRAVIOLET sterilization and antibacterial technology. Through long-term product technology research and development, experiment and application experience accumulation, it can provide a variety of water purification machine sterilization solutions, and can better meet the sterilization and antibacterial demand in the water purification industry.
One of the essential and important functions of water purification equipment to inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent secondary pollution, the high cost performance of deep ULTRAVIOLET LED water sterilizer will be more widely used in the field of water sterilization, and will achieve the full antibacterial purification of water in a true sense.
文章关键字:UVC、UVC LED、深紫外、紫外杀菌、深紫外 LED、水杀菌、空气杀菌、流动水杀菌









